Qualification documents submitted for I-66 P3 in Virginia

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Qualification documents submitted for I-66 P3 in Virginia

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The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has received statements of qualifications (SOQ) on October 2 from companies that seek to develop the state's Interstate 66 Outside the Beltway project in Northern Virginia under three potential delivery methods.

Three teams submitted SOQs for the design-build-finance-operate-maintain option (DBFOM). Five teams submitted SOQs for the design-build-operate-maintain option and five are pursuing the design-build with alternative technical concepts option.

In response to the Commonwealth's Request for Qualifications, three Statements of Qualifications were received for the Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain delivery method:

1. Express Partners:

2. I-66 Express Mobility Partners:

3. Transformative Solutions Partners:

Five SOQ's were received for the Design-Build-Operate-Maintain delivery method:

1. I-66 Corridor Development Group:

2. Express Partners:

3. I-66 Express Mobility Partners:

4. Transformative Solutions Partners:

5. 66Express Partners, LLC:

  • Lead Contractor: Shirley (39%) / Facchina (24%) / Trumbell (19%) / Wagman (18%)
  • Lead O&M: VINCI

Five SOQs were received for the Design-Build with Alternative Technical Concepts delivery method:

1. I-66 Corridor Development Group:

• Lead Contractor: Dragados - ACS (42.5%) / Flatiron (42.5%) / Shikun & Binui (15%)

2. Skanska / Archer Western JV:

• Lead Contractor: Skanska (50%) / Archer Western (50%)

3. I-66 Express Mobility Partners:

• Lead Contractor: Ferrovial Agroman (70%) / Allan Myers (30%)

4. Transformative Solutions Partners:

• Lead Contractor: Fluor (40%) / Granite (30%) / Lane (30%)

5. 66Express Partners, LLC:

• Lead Contractor: Shirley (39%) / Facchina (24%) / Trumbell (19%) / Wagman (18%)

VDOT issued a request for qualifications for the project on September 17th.

The concession contract would not exceed 40 years and the total project investment is estimated at US$2.1 billion. VDOT expects that the public contribution will be about US$600 million, which would be provided during the construction period.

The project has the following objectives: improving multimodal mobility along the I-66 corridor by providing diverse travel choices through an efficient network of P&R, HOV, transit, and express lane opportunities in a cost-effective and timely manner; enhancing person-throughput capacity; and enhancing corridor wide transportation safety and travel reliability.

A final decision on how the I-66 project will be financed is expected by end of this year. Then VDOT will launch a request for proposals (RFP) for the shortlisted teams of that method.  Construction is scheduled to begin in 2017 and the improved stretch of I-66 is slated to open in 2021.

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