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The Government of Thailand, through the Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, has approved a total of five PPP projects worth about Bt200 billion (US$5.5 billion) under the country's infrastructure development plan from 2015 to 2020.
According to Mr Somkid, the projects will be submitted to the cabinet for approval this year. They include three Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT) projects in Bangkok and two waste-to-energy power plants. The five approved projects are the following:
Somkid Jatusripitak stated:
"The PPP projects that were identified are meant to help lower the financial burden of the government as it is planning to spend a large amount of capital on infrastructure projects."
"The investment will be in the form of a PPP to save state funds on plans to improve basic infrastructure and to make the government control public debt in line with the Finance Ministry's policy to cap it between 50% and 60% (of GDP)"
Under Thailand's infrastructure development plan, it is expected to be invested about Bt1.57 trillion (US$43.2 billion), most of it through partnerships with the private sector. The plan includes a total of 66 projects in 20 categories, 80% of them being transport projects.
We have recently reported on several PPP projects in the Asia Pacific region: