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The Colombian National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has awarded to the SAC 4G consortium the contract to develop the Rumichaca - Pasto highway PPP project.
The winning team is made up Sacyr Concesiones Colombia SAS (60%) and Erdoisa Crespo Construcciones Colombia SAS (40%). The team beat out competition from three other bidders OHL Concesiones, Strabag - Concay team and the Infraestructura Vial para Colombia consortium.
The project involves the development of a new 80 km highway. The project includes, among others, the development of 7 tunnels and about 30 bridges. It is expected that the travel time between Rumichaca and Pasto will be reduced from 2 hours to 1 hour.
The total project investment is estimated at P1,600 billion (US$557.5 million).
The project is part of the second wave of 4G highway projects, which includes 10 concessions. 4G involves the construction of 8,000 km of roads, including 1,200 km of four-lane highways, with the majority of projects to be carried out as PPPs.
In early July we reported that ANI awarded the Sea highway 1 'Autopista al Mar 1′ PPP project to Estructura Plural SAC 4G, a consortium composed of Sacyr Colombia S.A.S. (37.5%), Strabag S.A.S. (37.5%) and Concay S.A. (25%).
In May, ANI awarded the Puerta de Hierro - Carreto - Palmar de Varela & Carreto - Cruz del Viso Highway PPP project to a Sacyr Concesiones-led team
We have recently reported about several other road PPP projects in Colombia: