Two final bids for A3 highway concession in Italy

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Two final bids for A3 highway concession in Italy This article is part of a daily series of MegaProjects articles. If you want to know more about PPP projects with a considerable size visit our MegaProjects section. You can receive them by email on a daily basis.

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Italy has announced that two teams have submitted final bids for the A3 Napoli-Pompei-Salerno highway concession.

A total of five teams were shortlisted for the project, but finally only two of them submitted proposals. The teams are composed by:

  • Società  Autostrade Meridionali (Gruppo Autostrade per l'Italia), which held the concession until 31 December 2012
  • SIS, a consortium composed by FININC group (51%) and Sacyr Vallermoso (49%)

The project involves the maintenance of the 51.6 km road linking Napoli, Pompei and Salerno for a period of 30 years.  

The total project investment is estimated at €799 million (US$872.2 million), of which €410 million will be a payment to the previous concessionaire, €101 million will be for new investments and the remaining €288 million will be for future maintenance investments.

The tender process was initiated in August 2012.

The Autostrada A3 Napoli-Reggio Calabria is a motorway in the south of Italy, which runs from Naples to Reggio Calabria via Salerno. It runs through three regions: Campania (171 km), Basilicata (30 km) and Calabria(293,9 km).

Due to the fact that A3 sections were not originally constructed under motorway standards, the poor conditions of maintenance and the extremely difficult terrain along some of the route, the motorway has been often taken as a symbol of the backwardness and economical problems of southern Italy. The European Union declines to classify the road as a "motorway" due to the decades-long roadwork restrictions on a supposedly modern road.

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