Qube and Aurizon, through its Sydney Intermodal Terminal Alliance (SIMTA) consortium, have reached an agreement to develop and operate the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal in South Western Sydney.
The project includes the development of an import-export freight terminal connected by rail to Port Botany, with capacity for 1.05 million containers a year, and an interstate freight terminal, with capacity for 500,000 containers a year. Both facilities will provide open access, to maximise competition.
The total project investment is estimated at US$1.89 billion.
The Moorebank Intermodal Terminal will be required to deliver significant economic, environmental and social benefits. These include:
It is forecast that Australia's freight requirements in 2020 will double what they were in 2006. Some 90 per cent of containers to and from Port Botany have their origin and destination within Greater Sydney. Without new rail freight handling capacity, more pressure will be put on Sydney's road network increasing urban congestion.
In April 2012, the Australian Government committed to the construction of the Intermodal Terminal (IMT) at Moorebank.
On 13 December 2012 the previous Government announced the establishment of the Moorebank Intermodal Company Limited (MIC) and the appointment of the Chair and Directors to the MIC Board to facilitate the development of an IMT.
During this year we have reported about other port PPP projects in Australia: