Ecorodovias signs BR-101 highway concession

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Ecorodovias signs BR-101 highway concession

Since the TCU approved definitely the tender and the consortium of Ecorodovias will carry out the project, the contract for  BR-101 highways concession in Espiritu Santo was signed on 17 April 2013 by Eco101 Concessionária de Rodovias S.A. and the Agência Nacional de  Transportes Terrestres (ANTT)

The estimated cost is US$1,090 million. The concession is for 25 years, and consists of the expansion, improvement, maintenance and operation of the BR-101 highway. The concessions includes the duplication of lanes in different years for different stretches of the road.

BR-101/ES/BA in that stretch of 475.9 km begins at the junction of BA-698 access to Mucuri - BA and extends to the border of the State of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro State.

In August 2012, the ANTT cancelled the project but later in October 2012, the Brazillian TCU re-approved the tender process and finally awarded the road concession to EcoRodovias Infrastructure & Logistics SA and SBS Engineering and Construction LTD.

Source: Agência Nacional de  Transportes Terrestres (ANTT)

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