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Proinversión, Peru's private investment promotion agency, has announced that it has launched a tender process for transaction advisors for the monorail transportation project in Arequipa.
The consultancy studies have an estimated budget of US$1.65 million, and the successful company will have 220 days to finish them.
The aim for the first phase of the studies is the pre-investment analysis of the project. It involves reviewing and evaluating the pre-investment study, including the data and sources of information used in the study, evaluating its feasibility and suggesting ways to improve the project design.
The other two phases in the consultancy process involves the definition of the execution model and the promotion of the project. In addition, the firm would assist Proinversion in defining the economic model for carrying out the project.
The project consists of the design, construction, provision of electro mechanic equipments, systems and rolling stock material, funding, operation and maintenance of 14 kilometers of monorail. The influence scope of the project is the metropolitan area of Arequipa, crossing the districts of Yura, Cerro Colorado, Cayma, Yanahuara, Cercado, José Luis Bustamante y Rivero and Socabaya.
The project will provide an efficient, quick, secure, comfortable, environmentally friendly and sufficiently flexible alternative public transportation system to adapt to the variations of demand that may arise in future.
Firms have until March 3 to submit bids. Proinversión aims to award the consultancy March 7
See tender notice: