On January 31, 2014, the Washington DC Department of Transportation released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to firms interested in submitting Statements of Qualification (SOQs) to design, build, operate and maintain the Integrated Premium Transit (IPT) system. The IPT will be comprised of
The IPT will be developed in phases and is comprised of 22-miles of dual/single track fixed guideway, related equipment and facilities, and potentially up to 15 additional miles of fixed guided track. Additionally, the IPT encompasses all local bus services within the District. To meet the goals of DC's Transit Future System Plan, the IPT builds upon segments currently in construction or planning, establishes priorities for planning and scheduling purposes, and creates a robust system with the maximum number of linkages. The incorporation of local bus services allows the District to provide transit services in a multi-modal, integrated and efficient manner.
DDOT Director Terry Bellamy said:
"This design-build-operate-maintain procurement is an innovative way to deliver the integrated premium transit vision we have for the District in an affordable and efficient manner. This delivery method allows us to continue providing innovative, safe and high quality and integrated transportation solutions to the District."
The procurement will be conducted as a two-step process with an RFQ followed by an RFP. Prospective proposers will be short-listed based upon their SOQ submissions evaluated against the extensive qualification criteria in the SOQ. The specific limits of the IPT will be further specified in the Request for Proposals (RFP) which will be issued to the short-listed responding teams. DDOT will host pre-SOQ workshop for interested proposers. Attendance is optional.
A RFQ - Pre-SOQ Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. at Old Council Chamber, 441 4th Street NW, First Floor, Washington, DC 20001
SOQs are due by 2 p.m. on March 21, 2014.
Questions regarding the RFQ may be submitted as indicated in the RFQ, using the e-mail address ddot-ipt@dcstreetcar.com. The RFQ is also posted at http://ocp.dc.gov/.