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Bulgaria's government has given green light to the decision of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications to open the tender to operate Sofia Airport.
As we reported in June 2016, Bulgaria launched a tender for the 35-year concession of Sofia Airport, which involved an estimated investment of €275 million (US$312.8 million)
Later on, in April 2017, Bulgaria's government announced the cancellation of the tender procedure due to claims that the concession would lead to a rise in airport charges and a drop in passenger traffic.
Three months later in late June 2017, the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications announced plans to relaunch the tender and use the concession revenues to support state-owned railways operator BDZ Holding. In this context, German airport operator Fraport, expressed its interest in the concession.
The Sofia Airport is located 5 km east from the center of Sofia and has a total area of 5,219,778 square meters. In 2017, Sofia Airport serviced 6.49 million passengers. The object of the concession would include.
The private party would be responsible for the management of services of public interest and management and maintenance of the civil airport in accordance with the clauses of the concession contract.