Five teams bid for Brazil airport concessions

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Five teams bid for Brazil airport concessions This article is part of a daily series of MegaProjects articles. If you want to know more about PPP projects with a considerable size visit our MegaProjects section. You can receive them by email on a daily basis.According to Reuters, several large international firms yesterday submitted bids for the concession contracts of Antônio Carlos Jobim (Galeão) airport in Rio de Janeiro, and Tancredo Neves (Confins) airport in Minas Gerais.

Five groups submitted proposals to operate Rio de Janeiro's Galeão airport. Of those three are also vying for the concession of Belo Horizonte's Confins airport, said the source.

The government expects on Friday to award the concession of the airports.

Invepar is one of the companies that submitted bids for the airports. Invepar's Chairman, Gustavo Rocha, confirmed the company was bidding but he didn't reveal other names in the consortium. Other sources said Invepar joined a consortium also composed by EcoRodovias (42.505 %) and Fraport (42.505 %). Given that it won one of the airport concessions last year, Invepar's stake has to be lower than 15 %.

Brazil's Odebrecht TransPort, the engineering arm of Odebrecht, also bid for both concessions along with Singapore airport operator Changi. Representatives of the firms confirmed their bids. 

Infrastructure developer and operator, CCR, which has Andrade Gutierrez and Camargo Corrêa among its shareholders, confirmed its presence in the process but it didn't reveal neither partners nor airports. The firm previously had said it would bid together with Flughafen München (operator of Munich airport) and Flughafen Zürich (operator of Zurich airport). The German firm is expected to have a 25% stake in the consortium and Flughafen Zürich a 5% share.

Spain's Ferrovial, the operator of London's Heathrow airport, and Brazilian engineering firm Queiroz Galvão created a consortium to bid for Rio de Janeiro's Galeão airport. French and Dutch operator Aeroports de Paris and Schiphol teamed up with Brazil's Carioca Engenharia and GP Investimentos to bid for the same airport.

The auction will take place on November 22nd at Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBovespa). The three highest bids and those bids equal or higher than 90% of the highest bid will participate in the the auction.

The signature of the contracts will take place on March 17th, 2014.

Galeão airport receives annually 17,5 million passengers (the second busiest in the country) and it is projected that it will receive 60 million passengers at the end of the concession period in 2038.

Confins airport receives annually 10,4 million passengers (the fifth busiest in the country) and it is projected that it will receive 43 million passengers at the end of the concession period in 2043.

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