McBains Cooper targets PPPs in Colombia with new office

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McBains Cooper targets PPPs in Colombia with new office

Recognising Colombia's potential, interdisciplinary property and construction consultancy McBains Cooper has expanded its Latin American footprint and  opened an office in the Colombian capital, Bogotá. The firm aims to replicate its success in Mexico and position itself at the forefront of public-private partnership (PPP) projects in the Colombian market.

Under the leadership of Santiago Klein, International Director at McBains Cooper,  and Hector Santaella, Senior Manager at the Bogotá office , the Colombian team will offer an effective blend of inter-disciplinary professional advice to investors, developers and public sector bodies in the delivery of both public and private infrastructure projects.

With an established presence and reputation in Mexico,  where the firm has been at the forefront of delivering major PPP projects, McBains Cooper expertise now precedes them,  not only making a name for itself in the local markets but the consultancy has gained a head start in transferring its British PPP expertise to Latin American infrastructure projects, making Colombia with its economic forecast the obvious next step.

Santiago Klein explains:

"The Colombian market has changed substantially over the past few years. This is in large part due to consistent and prudent fiscal policies, government campaigns and the country's advancing economic reform which have strengthened the local levels of operational safety, business transparency and accountability. Clearly, this makes Colombia an increasingly attractive market. In turn, Colombia is very open for business and particularly welcomes tried and tested know-how where PPP is concerned, as this procurement model is now used for the first time in the country. From our Bogotá office we will service the demand for improved infrastructure across all sectors in close partnership with the Colombian government and local businesses."

Source: McBains Cooper

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