The Municipality of Mauá, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (Brazil), has awarded a PPP contract for the provision of street lighting.
The tender, published in June 2016, had only one proposal, the consortium formed by Brasiluz Eletrificação e Eletrônica Ltda., FM Rodrigues & Cia Ltda. e Conasa - Companhia Nacional de Saneamento S.A., to whom the contract was awarded.
This is an administrative concession with a term of 35 years and the value of the maximum monthly consideration is BRL850,850 (US$262,128).
The consortium is responsible of BRL60 million (US$18.5 million) of the investment for the project ant the government will allocate BRL25 million (US$7.70 million).
Recently, after receiving notice of possible inadequacies, the São Paulo State Court of Auditors determined 30 days for complaints.
The project was structured via Procedure Expression of Interest (PMI). UFC Engenharia and the consortium formed by the companies Brasiluz Eletricidade e Eletrônica Ltda. and Citéluz Serviços de Iluminação Urbana S/A presented feasibility studies.