The Government of Mali has adopted a new PPP Law (Loi N°2016 - 016/ DU 30 Dec 2016 Relative aux Partenariats Public-Prive au Mali).
The purpose of the PPP Law is to define the general terms applicable to the involvement of the State in the various stages of a public-private partnership.
The PPP Law provides the general legal basis for public-private partnerships in Mali, which should enable the State to take advantage of the management capabilities of the private sector to improve the quality of services delivered by the State and to save money. It also intends to ensure a balanced and careful allocation of risks and the creation of incentives to promote financially sound and well managed partnerships.
As public partners for the purpose of the PPP Law are considered in Mali as well as local governments, autonomous funds and services providers, and publicly owned companies. The PPP Law also applies to partnerships where the private partner is a cooperative or a not-for-profit entity.