Macquarie, Heijmans and Facilicom win Amsterdam Courthouse PPP

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Macquarie, Heijmans and Facilicom win Amsterdam Courthouse PPP

Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, the Dutch Central Government Real Estate Agency, has provisionally selected a consortium of Macquarie, Heijmans and Facilicom to develop the New Amsterdam Court House (NACH) PPP project.

Following contract award, the consortium will be given a share in the construction and operation of the court house. The value of the design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFOM) project is US$265 million, including a 30-year management and maintenance contract.

A special purpose company will be created for the implementation of the project with Macquarie Capital as the sole shareholder. Heijmans, together with Facilicom, will form a combination that will design, construct and operate the court house.

The NACH consortium is a partnership between Macquarie Capital, Heijmans, Facilicom, ABT, DVP, KAAN Architecten, BiUM and Bouwbedrijf M.J. de Nijs & Zonen. The consortium has appointed Macquarie Capital Europe Limited as Financial Advisor.

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