The Gujarat Maritime Board has launched a Request For Proposal (RFP) for companies interested in providing legal assistance and advisory services and to assist the Board in diverse legal and commercial issues related to Public private partnership contracts.
The deadline for submission of proposals i 7 March 2014.
The authority plans to open the submission of proposals on 10 March 2014, the award date will be 25 March 2014 while the signing of agreement is scheduled for2 April 2 2014.
The selection will be held in two stage comprising technical and financial bids. In the first stage, a technical evaluation will be carried out and a list of short-listed applicants will be prepared. In the second stage, a financial evaluation will be carried out and the proposals will finally be ranked according to a combined technical and financial scores.
The scoring for the technical proposal evaluation will be based on three criteria: relevant experience of the applicant (40%), relevant experience of the legal expert (45%) and relevant experience of the one associate lawyers (15%).
To be eligible for evaluation of its proposal, the applicant shall fulfill technical and financial capacity and also availability of key personal and conditions like 15 years of professional experience as a legal expert.
See Tender Notice: