Ireland tenders N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme

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Ireland tenders N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme

The National Roads Authority of Ireland  has invited entities to tender on a design, build, finance, operate and maintain basis for the N25 New Ross Bypass PPP Scheme.

The proposed N25 New Ross Bypass includes the construction of sections of both the N25 and N30 routes. More particularly it is envisaged that the PPP Project will comprise works of approximately 14.6km of dual carriageway (N25 & N30 routes) and 1.2km of single carriageway (New Ross N30 route).

The main structural feature of the scheme will be the Barrow Bridge which will be an extrados bridge of approximately 900m overall length with the two main central spans approximately 230m in length.

The vertical alignment for the Barrow Bridge allows a 36m clearance envelope above Mean High Water Spring for the navigation channel of the river.

The estimated capital value of the capital investment is €215 million.

The extent of the works that will be included in the Project Road may include existing sections of the N25 routes (and possibly of the N30 route) and further details will be provided in the tender documents.

Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 19 June 2013 at 12:00.

 Source: TED Europe & project brochure.

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