Infratil Chairman, Mr Mark Tume, has announced the appointment of Peter Springford to the Infratil Board. Mr Springford’s appointment takes effect on 1 November 2016.
Mr Springford has extensive experience in managing companies in Australia, New Zealand and Asia, including five years based in Hong Kong as President of International Paper (Asia) Limited and four years as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Carter Holt Harvey Limited. Mr Springford is a nonexecutive director of New Zealand Refining Company Limited and is a chartered member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors.
Mr Tume said that the Board welcomed the experience Mr Springford would bring to Infratil. The company considers that Mr Springford is an independent director.
The appointment of Mr Springford to fill a casual vacancy will bring the number of directors of Infratil to six, following the retirement of Duncan Saville at the Annual Meeting on 24 August 2016. Consistent with the constitution, Mr Springford will be required to retire and seek election at the 2017 Annual Meeting.