Infrastructure Ontario selects PB for $1.1B Hurontario LRT P3

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Infrastructure Ontario selects PB for $1.1B Hurontario LRT P3

Infrastructure Ontario (IO) has selected Mobilinx as the preferred proponent to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Hurontario Light Rail Transit project.

Members of the Mobilinx team include:

  • Applicant Lead: John Laing, Astaldi, Hitachi, Transdev, Amico Concessions, Salini Impregilo
  • Construction: Astaldi, Hitachi, Amico, Bot, Salini Impregilo
  • Design: IBI Group, Hitachi, Morrison Hershfield, Arcadis, Daoust Lestage, Exp.
  • Operation Maintenance & Rehabilitation Provider: Transdev, Hitachi, Astaldi, Salini Impregilo
  • Financial Advisor: National Bank, HSBC

The selection of Mobilinx is the result of an open, fair and competitive procurement process overseen by a third party fairness monitor.

IO and Metrolinx expect to award the contract in fall 2019, with design work to begin shortly thereafter.

The project consists of approximately 20 km of light rail transit serving the cities of Mississauga and Brampton along the Hurontario Street Corridor: The project’s scope includes the design, construction, operate and maintenance of the following using the design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) delivery model:

  • A Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) for the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) fleet
  • Approximately 20 km at-grade twin track guideway
  • 22 LRT at-grade stops
  • Operation, maintenance and lifecycle of the LRT systems and infrastructure, including LRVs
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