Infrastructure Australia launches new transparency guidelines

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Infrastructure Australia launches new transparency guidelines

Infrastructure Australia, the nation's independent infrastructure advisor, has launched new guidelines to drive greater transparency and accountability in infrastructure decision-making and reduce instances of major projects receiving funding before appropriate planning and assessment.

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Country news

  • July 24, 2018

    Consortium proposes to build US$3 billion bridge in Australia through PPP

    Universal Bridging Consortium (UBC) has published a proposal to develop a 14km bridge linking Kangaroo Island to the South Australian mainland potentially through a public-private partnership (PPP). If built, it would be one of the longest overwater vehicle bridges in Australia.

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  • June 04, 2018

    US$750 million Parramatta light rail PPP advances despite LRT issues elsewhere in NSW

    Stage 1 of the Parramatta Light Rail project in New South Wales, south-east Australia, has received planning approval, allowing construction to begin before the end of the year.

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  • May 28, 2018

    Second contractor sues NSW government over US$1.7 billion light rail PPP

    VAC Group is suing the government of New South Wales, a state in the south-east of Australia, at least AUD4 million (US$3.0 million), plus damages, over the Sydney Light Rail project. This is the second lawsuit filed in relation to the project, with sponsor Acciona launching a AUD1.2 billion (US$905.5 million) suit earlier this year.

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  • March 07, 2018

    Global infra heavyweights bid to own US$13.8 billion road project in Australia

    The government of New South Wales, an Australian state in the south-east of the country, is selling 51% stake in Sydney Motorway Corporation (SMC). The corporation is responsible for managing the development, construction, funding, operation and maintenance of WestConnex, a programme of projects that aims to develop and upgrade road access in the south-west of Sydney, valued at AUD16.8 billion (US$13.1 billion).

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  • March 02, 2018

    Palisade acquires remaining 50% stake in Port of Portland

    Palisade Investment Partners is pleased to announce it has reached agreement with Utilities of Australia Pty Ltd as trustee of the Utilities Trust of Australia to acquire the remaining 50% interest in Port of Portland.

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