Infraco Africa seeks partners to invest and to develop infrastructure projects

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Infraco Africa seeks partners to invest and to develop infrastructure projects

Infraco Africa has released an invitation to submit Expressions of Interest (EOIs) in relation to two intended separate, parallel solicitations:

  • Invitation to submit an EOI in relation to the provision of pre-financial close infrastructure development services to InfraCo Africa, in sub-Saharan Africa (Developer Services). This is the subject of Part A of this invitation.
  • Invitation to submit an EOI in relation to possible co-investment by InfraCo Africa in infrastructure opportunities under development, but not yet having reached financial close, in sub-Saharan Africa (Co-investment Opportunities). This is the subject of Part B of this invitation.

Interested persons may submit EOIs in respect of Part A only, Part B only or both Parts A and B. EOIs should be submitted by 12th April 2013.

Who is InfraCo Africa?

InfraCo Africa ("InfraCo") is a donor-funded, private sector-managed company for developing infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa up to the point when they reach financial close. InfraCo is financed by members of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG). PIDG is an organisation of donor countries and organisations that collectively support infrastructure development in the world's poorer countries through a variety of PIDG facilities (

Request for EOIs: Infraco Africa

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