The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank, has issued three tender processes to hire legal, engineering and environmental consultants for a 680 km road PPP in a northeast state of Brazil.
Brazil PSP Private Sector Participation Program intends to finance the assignments of legal, engineering and environmental consultants to advise and assist IFC to structure a PPP transaction for the operation, rehabilitation and maintenance of a road system of approximately 680 kms located in a NE State of Brazil.
The project also encompasses the potential construction of a greenfield bridge of approximately 800m crossing an important river connecting two main municipalities.
The request for expression of interest (RFEOI) for legal consultancy firm was issued on 27 October 2014.
The main objective of the consultancy is to analyze regulatory issues applicable to the environment in which the PPP will be structured. In addition, elaborate bidding documents under the best legal practices.
Interested parties must submit their expressions of interest (EOIs) on or before 10 November 2014.
The RFEOI for engineering consultants was issued on 28 October 2014.
The main objectives of the engineering and traffic consultancy are:
Interested parties must submit their EOIs on or before 11 November 2014.
The RFEOI for environmental and social consultant was issued on 28 October 2014.
The main objective of the consultancy is to prepare an environmental and social scoping study of the project, to flag key risks and impacts including potential resettlements. This analysis will be used in the structuring of the project (e.g. costs of expropriation and resettlement, convenience of including/excluding parts of the system due to that, etc.).
Interested parties must submit their EOIs on or before 11 November 2014.