IFC's Handshake 5: Food & PPPs

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IFC's Handshake 5: Food & PPPs The new issue of Handshake: Food & PPPs examines how public-private partnerships (PPPs) in agriculture can help governments feed generations to come. The following topics are discussed in the magazine:
  • Innovations in agricultural extension programs: seeding knowledge
  • Warehouse financing: receipts that pay
  • Storage solutions: solving the problem of plenty
  • From muck to money: reinventing the economics of sanitation
  • Desalination for agriculture: the time has come
  • New technology for agriculture and rural development: online and on time
  • Q&As with Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy InstitutePrabhu Pingali, Deputy Director of Agricultural Development at the Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAgDevCo Executive Chairman Keith Palmer; and Nina Planck, founder of the modern farmer's market movement.
You can find the previous issues of the magazine below:

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