Icafal submits best bid for Chilean airport concession

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Icafal submits best bid for Chilean airport concession

Icafal Inversiones S.A has submitted the best bid for the Carriel Sur airport terminal public private partnership (PPP) project in Chile.

The offer includes an 18.02% of the total income to be shared with Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, the airport authority of Chile. The team beats out competition from Consorcio Aeropuertos Asociados, a team formed by A Port Chile and Flughafen Zurich AG, which submitted a bid to share a 16.47% of the total income with the airport authority.

The new concession includes, among others, the extension of the passenger terminal building to double its capacity from 1 million passenger to 2 million passenger per year, a new car park, new infrastructure for management and services and a new control tower.

The total project investment is estimated at US$42 million. The concession will run for a period of 15 years.

The airport, which currently operates under the concession model, is located 5 km northwest of the city of Concepcion. It has a strategic location within the national network of airports, due to the associated high demand, which relates mainly to industrial, forestry, fisheries, manufacturing, tourism and services present activities in the area.

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