Honduras' public-private promotion agency, Coalianza, and Banco LAFISE S.A. have launched a tender process to develop the "Centro Cívico Gubernamental de la República de Honduras", a government building, through a PPP project.
The PPP building project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and transfer (DBFOT) basis.
The Expressions of Interest must be delivered by August 29th, 2014.
The project aims to:
- Improve efficiency, through the provision of adequate infrastructure for proper office operations.
- Reduce and control public spending, specifically spending on rent, maintenance, renovations, parking, security and other services by centralizing office infrastructure services.
- Streamline and strengthen the housing market, generating areas of value.
- Improve operational efficiency by implementing mechanisms of efficiency and sustainability in public services, such as water supply and treatment of water, electricity, air conditioning, lighting and other services required.
See request for expression of interest (RFEOI) documents (Spanish):
- Contact: Miguel Ángel Gámez
- Address: Colonia Altos de Miramontes, Callejón "La Cumbre", Bloque "T", Casa Número 2737. Tegucigalpa. Honduras
- Phone number: (504) 2232-4647
- Email: centrocivicogubernamental@coalianza.gob.hn