HIGH SPEED RAIL IN AUSTRALIA: Brisbane to Melbourne project. Study by AECOM

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The Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, has released the report for phase one of a two phase strategic study into a high speed rail network on the east coast of Australia. The study is looking at potential routes from Brisbane southwards to Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne, as well as the economic viability of such a network.
The phase one report establishes indicative corridors, options for station locations, high level costs, and forecasts about patronage, and some comparative analysis of potential social and regional development impacts.
The report has been prepared by AECOM in association with KPMG, Grimshaw and SKM.
Travel times from Sydney would be around 3 h to Melbourne or Brisbane, 1 h to Canberra and 40 min to Newcastle. Outline costs are put in the range A$61bn (US$63 bn) to A$108bn (US$111 bn). A more detailed analysis including financial viability will be carried out in Phase II
The email contact for feedback to the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport is:  highspeedrailstudy@infrastructure.gov.au

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