Heijmans and Barclays Infrastructure Fund (BIF) are going to be partners in the Heijmans Capital BV joint venture for financing DBFMO (design, build, finance, maintain, operate) projects. The partnership is aimed at sharing the risk-bearing capital and knowledge required to carry out DBFMO projects, starting as early as the tender phase. The last spring closed initial agreement is now converted into a final agreement, in which the Dutch National Military Museum project in Soesterberg will be the first project to be directly accommodated by this partnership.
Heijmans and BIF are observing an expansion of the market for PPP/DBFMO projects, particularly in relation to customers such as the Dutch Government Building Agency (Rijksgebouwendienst) and the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat). The partnership ensures that the combination is able to anticipate this market trend and can reinforce each other on the basis of their individual strength: Barclays as fund manager and Heijmans as builder and operator.
The joint venture concerns the long-term financing of risk-bearing DBFMO projects and as such is separate from Heijmans' core activities, building, developing and operating. Heijmans Capital BV is focused on projects in the Netherlands and Belgium. For new projects BIF assumes an 80% participating interest and Heijmans a 20% participating interest in Heijmans Capital BV. Both parties are jointly represented on the management board.
About HeijmansHeijmans is a listed company, that combines activities related to property development, residential building, non-residential building and technical services, road building and civil engineering. Heijmans is active in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Heijmans has 8,000 employees and € 2.3 billion in revenues in 2012.
About Barclays Infrastructure Funds Management
Barclays Infrastructure Funds is a funds management business that has been operating since 1996. It focuses on investment in social infrastructure projects in the UK and continental Europe and renewable energy projects with a similar risk and return profile. It has invested in more than 200 projects and has currently over 1bn Euro assets under management. Recently, 3i Fund made an irrevocable offer to acquire BIF from Barclays.
Source: Heijmans