The Greek PPP Inter-Ministerial Committee added on October 4th two PPP project to its Hellenic PPP programme, the East Macedonia & Thrace waste management PPP and a broadband development project in rural areas.
East Macedonia & Thrace waste management PPPThe private partner selected will undertake the design, financing, construction, maintenance, facility management and operation of the waste management facilities for the East Macedonia & Thrace Region, for a period of 27 years. The contract value has been estimated at 130 million Euros and the total annual capacity of the facilities at 150.000 tons.
As in all waste management PPP projects, in Greece, the tendering procedures allow for all available technologies that meet the requirements of environmental targets, European and national legislation. The main selection criterion of the contractor will be the lowest payable fee for the citizens, combined with the achievement of all environmental objectives. It is foreseen that the project will be co-financed by EU funds.
Broadband development project in rural areasThe project's goal is the installation and operation of necessary infrastructure for broadband internet access, in order to achieve digital convergence among the most disadvantaged rural areas of Greece with the rest of the country. The project is designed to allow sustainable use and operation of the infrastructure in the long term, while encouraging competition.
The project will provide about 5,500 villages and more than 600,000 residents in mountainous, island and rural areas with high-speed internet. The total duration of the contract is 17 years, of which 2 years development stage and 15 years operation and utilization. The budget of the project amounts to 161 million Euros, which will be funded by EU funds.