Latin American public and private sector leaders will address countries’ policies and strategies to engage investors and stimulate open discussions. 250 energy developers, financiers and public sector stakeholders are expected to attend the meeting from North America and countries across Latin America.
Primary themes and topics of the meeting include: regulation development, investigating how regulator strategies are impacting investors’ confidence and behaviour, the ‘Renewable Energy Transition’, identifying the increasing need of adaptation to accommodate the growth of the renewables sector, and a panel on ‘Renewable Energy Technology’ - exploring the potential of technology as the biggest enabler of renewable power production at more competitive costs.
Other panel discussions will explore the impact of ‘Distributed Generation’ in saving investments in transmission and improving the stability of the electric power service, a session on gas demand following the International Energy Agency’s estimate that natural gas fired generation in Central and South America will increase by an average of 2.2 per cent a year, and a finance-focused session examining the role of development finance institutions and commercial finance providers in availing capital.
The Latin America Energy Forum is co-located with the Powering Africa: Summit from 9-10 March at the Marriott Marquis Washington, D.C. The Powering Africa: Summit is a conference for decision-makers in the energy sector showcasing African energy & infrastructure projects seeking investment.
Talita Covre, Programme Manager at EnergyNet, said:
“The meeting will feature high level keynote presentations to highlight new investment opportunities, and panel discussions to address new trends for power development in the region. With official representation of Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Guatemala, Brazil and Peru, among others, the purpose is really to put government representatives and investors together and get new partnerships started for power projects in these countries.”