The Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission has launched a request for expression of interests (RFEOI) seeking to develop a mixed-use complex under PPP framework located in Cantonments, a suburb of Accra, in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.
Owing to the need for a more suitable, permanent and expanded head office, SEC is seeking to identify a private partner that will Design, Build, Finance, Market, Commercialize, Operate, Maintain and Transfer a mixed-use complex over a defined period (the PPP duration). The project involves the following priorities:
- To maximize the space made available to SEC over the PPP duration as compensation for the use of its land to develop a Mixed-use Complex;
- To commercialize the Mixed-use Complex, that is in addition to SEC’s own office space, in order to generate income streams that are sufficient to cover the private partner’s cost of capital as well as a reasonable rate of return;
- To achieve energy savings, improved efficiencies and working conditions. To that end, the proposed Mixed-use Complex is intended to incorporate “green building” technologies, leveraging Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles and adopting sustainability goals as part of the Mixed-use Complex’s minimum operating and maintenance performance standards.
Interested firms must submit the EOI documents no later than 22 June 2017, 12pm.
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