Germany tenders school PPP

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Germany tenders school PPP

The city of Büdelsdorf, Germany, has issued a tender process to develop a new secondary school though a PPP project.

The project will be developed on a design, build, finance and maintenance basis for a period of 25 years. The total investment is estimated at €16 million (US$21.8 million).

The educational facilities will be developed in a gross floor area of 10 500 m².

The project involves the development of a new secondary school for about 750 students, an auditorium for 450 people, sports facilities, and a day care. The project also involves the maintenance of the facilities for a period of 25 years.

Interested parties must submit their request to participate on or before 26 August 2014. The selected bidders will be invited to submit their proposals on 29 September 2014.

See contract notice:

On 10 April 2014 we published that the city of Nuremberg, located in the German state of Bavaria, had launched a PPP tender process through the issue of a request for qualifications (RFQ) to rebuild the Joahnn-Pachelbel-Realschule/Staatliche Fachoberschule II school.

The project will be developed on a design, build, finance and maintenance (DBFM) basis for a period of 25 years after construction period. The preferred bidder will deliver a junior high school, four sports halls, outdoor sports facility and leisure facility, public transport bus stop and noise barrier. The school will accommodate 1,400 students with a gross floor area of 20 000 m².

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