I-77 North Carolina
Four consortia have submitted statements of qualification for the proposed I-77 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) project, which is a conversion and expansion of the current High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) in North Carolina.The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is looking for concessionaire to develop, design, construct, finance, operate and maintain this highway P3 project.
The consortia are composed as follows:
a) Charlotte Access Mobility Group: - Proposer: ACS Infrastructure Development, Inc. and InfraRed Capital Partners Limited
- Lead Contractor: Dragados USA, Inc. and United Infrastructures Group, Inc
- Lead Designer: Florence and Hutcheson, Inc
b) Cintra InfraestructurasMetrolina Development Partner - Proposer: OHL Concesiones
- Lead Contractor: The Lane Construction Corporation and OHL
- Lead Designer: HDR Engineering, Inc
Char-Meck Development PartnersIf you want more information, you can visit the
project website. The document with
list of proposers can be seen here.
Project Timeline: - Department Announces Short-listed Proposers: March 30, 2012
- Industry Draft RFP to Short-listed Proposers: To Be Determined
- Issue Final RFP: Second Quarter 2012
- Proposals Due: Third Quarter 2012
- Commercial Close: December 2012
- Financial Close: First Quarter 201
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