Everbright Water completes construction of two waste-water treatment projects

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Everbright Water completes construction of two waste-water treatment projects

China Everbright Water Limited has announced that Ji'nan Waste Water Treatment (Plant 1) Expansion Project has completed construction and commenced commercial operation. In addition, Ji'nan Xike Waste Water Treatment Project (Plant 4) Phase II has also completed construction and the project is currently in the commissioning phase. Both projects are situated in Shandong Province in China.

Ji'nan WWT (Plant 1) Expansion Project was secured in August 2015 and construction commenced in October 2015. The total investment for this expansion project is approximately CNY112 million (US$ 16.7 million) with a daily waste water treatment capacity of 50,000 m3. This expansion project completed construction in May 2016 and it started operation in June 2016. Currently, the total daily waste water treatment capacity of Ji'nan Waste Water Treatment Project (Plant 1) reaches 350,000 m3. The water discharge complies with the national Grade 1A standard

Ji'nan Xike WWT Project (Plant 4) Phase II is one of the 12th Five-Year-Plan key energy-saving projects in Ji'nan City and Shandong Province, and it is also one of the ten pilot sponge city construction projects in Ji'nan. The company won the tender for this project in December 2015. This project has a designed daily waste water treatment capacity of 70,000 m3. The total investment is approximately RMB240 million (US$ 35.7 million) and the water discharge complies with the national Grade 1A standard. The construction of this project began in January 2016 and was completed in June 2016. Ji'nan Xike WWT Project (Plant 4) Phase II is currently in commissioning phase. 

In addition, in terms of the new commencement of project construction, Nanjing Pukou Reusable Water Project Phase I started construction at the end of June. It has a designed daily reusable water supply capacity of 20,000 m3 and the water discharge will comply with the standard as category IV surface water. It is expected to commence operation at the end of this year. 

Mr. Wang Tianyi, Executive Director & Chairman of Everbright Water, said:

"Upholding Everbright Water's construction philosophies, namely "First Class Quality, High Standard, Advanced Technology and Outstanding Efficiency, these projects were completed ahead of our schedule, and will effectively improve the ecological environment of Ji'nan City. Looking ahead, we will seek to leverage our unique strengths and competitive edge to strengthen our cooperation with Ji'nan City on environmental protection issues as well as to make a greater contribution to the development of the city and the conservation of its environment." 

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