Espiritu Santo tenders water PPP project

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Espiritu Santo tenders water PPP project

The state of Espiritu Santo in Brazil, through the Companhia Espírito Santense de Saneamento (CESAN) has published an international tender for the  concession for the expansion, operation and maintenance of the sewage system of the city of Serra.

The bidding documents were subject to public consultation between April and May 2012. Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos (EBP) carried out the structuring of the concession project.

Proposals must be submitted by August 27th, 2013, and the winning bidder will be the one who offers the biggest discount over the established price of m3 of treated water.

The term of the contract will be thirty years and its estimated value is R$ 806 million (US$356 million).

See tender documents on CESAN's website.

Source: Observatório das Parcerias Público - Privadas
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