El Salvador's Ministry of Public Works through the Salvadoran Fund for Pre-investment Studies (FOSEP) has invited local and foreign firms for the tender process for the consultancy services relative to the Feasibility study and Rehabilitation Design Project of the road CA01E, stretch: "Desvío Santa rosa de Lima - Frontera el Amatillo" at the municipality of Pasaquina.
In order to show interest in the process, firms must:
- Submit an Expression of Interest to the FOSEP signed by their the legal representative.
- Register the firm at FOSEP's 'Registro Nacional de Consultores (RNC)'.
- Submit information relative to similar works executed by the firm
The deadline for submission of proposals is 3 December 2013.See below FOSEP's contact data:
- Address: Colonia San Benito Boulevard del Hipódromo Nº 3018,San Salvador
- MOP - Carretera Panamericana Km 5 1/2 Plantel la Lechuza, San Salvador
- Tel. FOSEP. 503 2263 7929 - MOP 503 2528 3000
- Fax. FOSEP. 503 2263 8076 - MOP 503 2528 3065
- E mail. fosep@fosep.gob.sv ; uipc@mop.gob.sv