The EBRD is considering financing an hospital infrastructure PPP project involving the design, construction, equipping, financing, and maintenance of an integrated health campus in Bursa, Turkey, pursuant to a 28-year concession awarded by Turkey's Ministry of Health (MoH).
Under this PPP structure, the concessionaire will supply and maintain the hospital facilities, while the provision of medical care and services will remain the responsibility of the MoH. Total project costs are estimated at around €513 million (US$578 million).
Bursa Hospital PPP campus will comprise three buildings with a total bed capacity of 1,355 beds: a general hospital (275 beds), cardiology (275 beds), oncology (252 beds), maternity/paediatric (253 beds), physical therapy and rehabilitation (200 beds), and high security forensic psychiatric (100 beds).
The consortium of sponsors for the project includes Ronesans Saglik Yatirim A.S., Meridiam Infrastructure Eastern Europe S.a.r.l., Sila Consulting Medical Services, Sam Engineering and TTT Saglik Hizmetleri A.S. who are active across various hospital PPPs in Turkey, including the Adana and Elazig campuses.
The EBRD is planning to arrange an A/B loan of up to €300 million (up to €75 million A-loan, up to €225 million B-loan). The Bank will provide finance in parallel with international financing institutions and commercial banks alongside the sponsors' equity commitments under an 80:20 debt-to-equity structure.