EBP selected for Feasibility Studies of BR-040 and BR-116 highway concessions

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EBP selected for Feasibility Studies of BR-040 and BR-116 highway concessions

Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos S/A (EBP) has submitted the best proposals to update the Feasibility studies for the BR-040 (stretch Brasília / DF - Juiz de Fora / MG) and BR-116  (stretch Além Paraíba, Minas Gerais - Currency Alegre / MG) highway concessions.

EBP will be paid R$1.5 million (US$0.9 million). EBP will get R$0.8 million for the BR-040, and R$0.7 million for the BR-116.

QG Engenharia e Planejamento Ltda. had also qualified to carry out the studies but the company was unsuccessful in the final stage.

The Request for Expressions of Interest (PMI) was launched by the Ministry of Transport in July.

EBP executed the following works:
  1. Modeling traffic Studies of BR-040 to assess the change of location of the Nova Lima toll plaza;
  2. Including recent unitary costs (SICRO II);
  3. Comparing  investment and operation costs to those of similar concessions;
  4. Adding or changing improvements requested by the Ministry, and
  5. Carrying out an economic and financial evaluation.
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