The Comitê Gestor do Programa de Parcerias Público-Privadas do Estado de Pernambuco extended the deadline for the submission of feasibility studies of PPP project called "Eixo de Ligação Viário Norte" due to request of the construction firm Construtora Andrade Guitierrez SA.
The object of the PPP project is the road system connecting the north between EP-022 and EP-035, up to BR-101 in the city of Pernambuco. The project also includes activities related to urban upgrading and housing.
Initially, the feasibility studies should have been submitted on November 5, 2012. There was a request for an extension, which authorized the delivery of studies on March 5, 2013. Now, the new deadline is August 5, 2013. Galvão Engenharia SA was also authorized to develop feasibility studies of the project.
Source: O Obsertvatório das Parcerias Público Privadas