COPASA launches tender for Rio Manso water expansion PPP project in Minas Gerais

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COPASA launches tender for Rio Manso water expansion PPP project in Minas Gerais COPASA, Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais, has published a tender process for the expansion, operation and maintenance of Rio Manso water system.The services included in the contract are the following:
  1. electromechanical operation and maintenance, 
  2. civil and hydraulic maintenance;
  3. conservation of green areas, cleaning, surveillance and security.
The Brazilian firm,  Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos S.A. (EBP), was responsible for the execution of the feasibility studies and is entitled to recover from the winning bidder R$2,700,000.00.The term of the concession is fifteen years (15) and its estimated value is R$755 million (US$339 million).The deadline for submissions of proposals is September 2, 2013.Source: PPP Brasil
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