Contract for the extension of metro line in Australia

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Contract for the extension of metro line in Australia

Sydney Metro has exercised a pre-agreed extension to the existing Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) Public-Private Partnership contract, which was awarded in 2014 to for the operation of the Metro North West Line. The metro will be extended with City and Southwest lines. The extension of the contract will deliver a seamless customer experience on the new metro, with NRT to operate and maintain the full metro line from Rouse Hill to Bankstown - in total 66 kilometres of rail and 31 metro stations by 2024.

The contract package includes AUD 1.7 billion (USD 1.15 million) for new metro trains and core rail systems as well as a AUD 2 billion (USD 1.35 million) operations and maintenance component for NRT to operate the combined Northwest and City & Southwest lines for a period of 15 years until 2034.

Metro Trains Sydney, the railway operator appointed by NRT, will operate the metro railway in accordance with strict operational requirements set by Sydney Metro.  Metro Trains Sydney is a joint venture between MTR Corporation (60%), John Holland (20%) and UGL Rail (20%) formed in September 2014. 

The new Operations Trains and Systems (OTS) PPP contract with Northwest Rapid Transit (NRT) consortium includes the key roles of:

  • Systems integrator and investor – MTR
  • Principal commercial adviser, investor and financial arranger – Plenary Group
  • Operator – Metro Trains Sydney
  • Trains and signalling key subcontractor – Alstom
  • Communications key subcontractor – Thales
  • Radio key subcontractor – UGL
  • Platform screen door key subcontractor – Gilgen.

The New South Wales Government in Australia will order 23 new metro trains as part of a contract package to extend and operate Sydney’s first driverless Metro with City and Southwest lines. Alstom to supply driverless trains and digital signaling system for Sydney Metro extension.

Under the contract, valued at approx. EUR 350 million (USD 385 million), Alstom will be responsible for the project management, design, supply, manufacturing, testing and commissioning of 23 six-car fully-automated Metropolis trains and the Urbalis 400 Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) signaling system. The trains will be manufactured in Alstom’s manufacturing centre in Sri City, India which successfully delivered 22 Metropolis trains for the Metro North West Line. The contract also includes an option to purchase further trains if required.


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