The Ministry of Public Works of Chile has announced that China Railway Construction Corporation (International) Limited was awarded Route 5 Chillán-Collipulli section second concession.
The project involves improving works on 169 km of Route 5 connecting Chillan to Collipulli in Chile. China Railway Construction Corporation (International) Limited will handle the project with a 30-year concession and an investment of approximately US$595.8 million. The project is part of the Route 5 Improvement and Expansion Axis, a portfolio of works developed through a public-private partnership. The work will include upgrading the road that runs through the communes of Chillán Viejo, Bulnes, Pemuco, Cabrero, Los Angeles, Mulchen, Collipulli and Ercilla, in the regions of Suble, Biobio and La Araucania.
The project work also involves the replacement of 14 bridges out of 62 and the modernization of 48, 27 new pedestrian bridges will be introduced and 17 existing ones will be replaced, which will have universal access. There will be pavement repairs, road safety sign upgrades and bus stop reconfiguration, supplemented with new lighting, general service and emergency areas, a weighing area, SOS phones, landscaping areas in new and pre-existing links and return and service areas. The gradual introduction of electronic toll booths will start from the 12th month of the new concession.
Work on the project is scheduled to begin in 2026.
The Ministry of Public Works of Chile has announced that it has decided to launch the tender for the San Javier - Constitución L30M route project in Chile in 2023.
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The Ministry of Public Works in Chile has announced the opening ceremony of 3 economic proposals submitted for the second concession of Route 5 Chillán - Collipulli section in Chile.
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