Consultations held on USD34bn suburban rail project in Australia

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Consultations held on USD34bn suburban rail project in Australia

The Government of Victoria is in the process of detailed planning and investigations needed for the stakeholder engagement for the AUD50 billion (US$34.37 billion) Suburban Rail Loop project.

The project involves the development of a 90km rail line circling Melbourne’s suburbs with 12 new stations connecting every major railway line from the Frankston line to the Werribee line via Melbourne Airport.

The consultation will be on the first stage of the project - the South East Section. Input will be sought from communities, local government, peak bodies, as well as key health, education, and industry stakeholders along the proposed corridor. The Government will meet with representatives from the cities of Whitehorse, Monash and Kingston, paving the way for further consultation around site investigations including ecology and geotechnical studies. Initial site investigations for the Suburban Rail Loop are expected to start in the second half of 2019. 

Rail Projects Victoria (RPV), the team delivering the Metro Tunnel is leading the design development, station location assessments and operational requirements.

RPV has also engaged the expert assistance of the Aurecon Jacobs Mott MacDonald Joint Venture (AJM) as technical adviser and KPMG as the commercial adviser for the Suburban Rail Loop.

Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan said: “The Suburban Rail Loop will provide Victorians with better access to jobs, education and health services, wherever they live.”

Premier Daniel Andrews said: “The Suburban Rail Loop will change the way we move around Melbourne forever, and we’re not wasting a minute getting this vital project started.”

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