The City of Sao Paulo has received twenty-six Feasibility Studies for the project 'Projeto Tietê' under Public private partnership. Forty companies had registered their interest after the city launched a Request for Expressions of Interest (Brazillian PMI) but finally only twenty-six participated in the process.
Projeto Tietê's local office
The following list includes all the companies that submitted the studies and complied with the tender documents: - Consortium CARIOCA/BLAC- Ltda./C.R. ALMEIDA/AECOM/COWAN;
- Consortium Andrade Gutierrez /Queiroz Galvão;
- Arcadis Logos;
- Consortium Triptyque/Argeplan/Phyrestore/APUR-Atelier Parisien d' Urbanism/NFU-Nouvelles Fonctions Urbaines Urbanism/NFU-Nouvelles Fonctions Urbaines;
- Consortium Geométrica - UTC CONSTRAN - Escola da Cidade;
- Axal Consultoria e Projetos;
- Barbosa & Corbucci Arquitetos Associados;
- Camargo Corrêa;
- Consortium Cândido Malta/FCTH;
- DNA - Drenagem Navegação & Locação Ltda.;
- Filipe Barcelos de Faria - Grupo Hiperativo;
- João Rafael Morette Macedo;
- José Roberto Medrano;
- Léa Struchiner - (Group of professionals);
- Consortium SEAM - Assoc. Eng. Arq. SP/Loureiros Associados;
- Consortium Magalhães Associados Arquitetura e Planejamento S/C Ltda, Figueiroa Arquitetura e Urbanismo Ltda., Park Capital Investimentos e Participações, Paulo Lomar e Jurandir Rossi e equipe Ltda, Figueiroa Arquitetura e Urbanismo Ltda., Park Capital Investimentos e Participações, Paulo Lomar e Jurandir Rossi e equipe;
- Odebrecht/OAS;
- Planos Engenharia;
- Remova SP;
- Consortium Ruy Ohtake Arquitetura e Urbanismo Ltda. - Enger Engenharia S/A;
- Softwise Politécnica Comércio e Serviços Ltda.;
- TC URBES Arquitetura e Urbanismo Ltda.;
- Thiago Freitas Gomes de Andrade Medeiros - (Group of professionals);
- URBEM - Instituto de Urbanismo e Estudos pela Metrópole.
From the results derived of this first stage of the Feasibility studies, a more detailed project definition will have to be done in the second stage of the Feasibility studies. Only these 26 companies will be able to participate in the second stage of the Feasibility Studies (PMI).
PPP Brasil