The state of São Paulo, through the Secretaria de Saúde, has awarded two PPP contracts involving hospital projects in Sao Paulo to the firm Construcap CCPS Engenharia SA Trade.
The projects were tendered in two packages:
The winning bidder was selected based on the minimum annual payment to receive form the state.
For Package 1, Construcap bid an annual payment of R5,9 million (US$2.6 million) and the Consortium Mendes Junior-Planova-Gocil bid an annual payment of R6,9 (US$3 million).
For Package 2, the only proposal was presented by Construcap who offered an annual payment of R11,6 (US$5.1 million).
Brazilian company Odebrecht Participações e Investimentos SA submitted proposal but was disqualified after appeals by other bidders.
The estimated investment for the projects are the following:
The concession will be valid for 20 years. Construction is estimated to last for 30 months.