Concession awarded for Miami Beach Monorail PPP

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Concession awarded for Miami Beach Monorail PPP

Miami Beach Monorail Consortium led by Meridiam has been awarded a contract to develop a sustainable and mass-public transit link between downtown Miami and the city of Miami beach.

This 5.6 km (3.5 miles) innovated elevated monorail will enhance Miami-Dade County’s standing as a smart city. It will provide a resilient, safe, and constant connection between downtown Miami and the city of Miami Beach and will serve as a vital link between the two cities in the preparedness for both rising sea levels and the threat of storm surge during hurricanes.

The monorail will also alleviate traffic congestion, and offer a rapid transit link between the two cities, one of which is situated on an island with limited direct access. Subsequently, the project will not only provide a reduction in vehicle miles traveled but also provide a fast, equitable, and clean commute option to the City of Miami Beach for most of the County.

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