Peru's Ministry of Transports and Communications (MTC) and the Consortium Paracas have signed the concession contract for the Pisco port concession (General San Martín terminal).
The winning consortium is formed by Spain's Servinoga S.L., Brazil's Pattac Empreendimentos e Participacoes S.A., Brazil's Tucumán Engenharia e Empreendimentos Ltda. and Fortesolo Servicios Integrados Ltda.
In early May, the consortium beat out competition from three other bidders for the project by offering investments for a value of US$182 million, which is US$80 million more than the reference value (US$ 102 million)
The project involves the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the Pisco port terminal for a period of 30 years.
The minimum works established in the contract are divided into packages:
General San Martin terminal port is located in the Department of Ica, province of Pisco, Paracas district and in a town called Punta Pejerrey, 280 Km south of the port of Callao.
The port of San Martin features a 700 -meter long marginal pier with four mooring docks:1,2,3 and 4. The port was built in 1969, is naturally protected from breakers and enjoys a balmy climate nearly all year-round.
Today berths 1 and 2 north of the Terminal are being repaired by the National Port Company (ENAPU), the entity that administers moorings that were affected as a result of the earthquake of 2007.
Peru's private investment promotion agency Proinversion has received seven bids to carry out the pre-investment studies of Lima metro line 3 through a concession contract.
Read morePeru's private investment promotion agency Proinversion has selected the consortium led by Ingerop Conseil ET Ingenierie as the preferred bidder to carry out the pre-investment studies of Lima metro line 3.
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