Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) presented the progressin the process of structuring of the Gerardo Tobar López de Buenaventura airport project under PPP. The project is located Valle del Cauca Department of Colombia.
This PPP initiative will include modernization and expansion of the airport project which will be delivered through design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) sheme.
The ANI is also studying the structuring as PPPs of the airports Alfonso Bonilla Aragón de Palmira El Edén de Armenia, Benito Salas de Neiva, Perales de Ibagué.
According to sources, the process of structuring the Buenaventura airport PPP is well advanced.
ANI considers this initiative as strategic for the airports in the south and especially for the Valle del Cauca. Intervention in Buenaventura Airport will strengthen the city connectivity and supply chain framework.