CIMIC Group Limited, previously knows as Leighton Holdings, has announced the appointment of Adolfo Valderas Martinez as chief operating officer (COO).
Mr Valderas Martinez was most recently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras (ACS Group), a role he held since 2010. Between 2000 and 2010, he held roles with Dragados, most recently as Deputy International Manager. Prior to that, Mr Valderas Martínez worked for Obrascón Huarte Lain and with Lain. Mr Valderas Martínez is a civil engineer.
As part of his role, Adolfo will be responsible for the establishment of FundCo, a financing initiative to fund the Group's participation in future public private partnerships. He will report to Hamish Tyrwhitt, who is the fimrs's chief executive officer (CEO). Hamish Tyrwhitt reported in a statement:
"Adolfo's experience in managing a leading global company in the construction and operation of government concessions gives him a unique understanding of the development, financing, construction and operation of public infrastructure."
"This will be particularly valuable at a time when Australia is seeking to redress its public infrastructure deficit. We are fortunate to be able to tap the skills and capabilities Adolfo has developed during his many years with a world-leading PPP company."
In addition, Patrick Brothers, EGM of Corporate Strategy, will relocate to Malaysia to take up the role of Chief Development Officer, Leighton Asia India and Offshore. As a result, corporate strategy will report to Adolfo. Furthermore, Mike Rollo, Chief Risk Officer, will increase his focus on pre-contract risk, leading our management of the '5 gate' tender review and approval process. As part of this, responsibility for post contract risk will sit with Adolfo. Adolfo will join us following the approval of his visa. Please join me in welcoming him to the team.