Companhia Espírito Santense de Saneamento – CESAN, a state-owned company in Espiritu Santo, has launched a tender process for a sanitation PPP project in the he Municipality of Vila Velha, in the metropolitan area of Grande Vitória (Brazil).
The concession contract will have a period of 30 years and it has an estimated value of BRL1,736 million (US$534 million). The estimated value of the private investment is BRL407.5 million (US$125.4 million).
The concessionaire will be responsible for the upgrade, expansion and maintenance of the system and the provision of support services to the commercial management of CESAN in the city.
In 2014, the Municipality authorized OAS Soluções Ambientais S.A to develop a feasibility study to design a public-private partnership (PPP) for the project. The Request for Expressions of Interest (PMI) was launched on October 3, 2013. Only OAS submitted an expression of interest to develop the feasibility study of the project.
CESAN provides water collection, treatment and distribution, as well as sewage treatment services. The Vitória-based firm was founded in 1967. For more information about this business opportunity, please visit the following website.