On Feb. 21 2014, the Health Secretary of the Brazilian state of Ceará has published an international public call for the Metropolitan Regional Hospital PPP project.
Bids must be submitted by April 10, 2014.
The concession contract involves construction, equipment supply, maintenance and management of non- healthcare services of the new hospital.
The hospital will have a total built area of 37.389.22 square meters and will consist of 14 floors. The hospital will have a capacity of 37,080 hospitalizations and 17,280 surgeries per year.
With 432 beds, the new hospital will serve the entire population of the Fortaleza region, totaling 4,827,595 people.
The Metropolitan Regional Hospital is the fourth hospital of the state government, which reinforces its commitment to expand and modernize the health care network in the state. Other two regional hospitals has been built in order to ensure population access to health services: Regional Hospital Cariri in Juazeiro, which opened three years ago, and the Northern Regional Hospital in Sobral, which opened in April last year.
See Tender notice: http://www.saude.ce.gov.br/index.php/noticias/46314