The Cayman Islands Government’s (CIG), Ministry of District Administration, Tourism and Transport has launched a tender process to seek a private partner for the development of a new Cruise Berthing Facility (CBF) in George Town.
The project functional requirements consist of:
As the project will be located at the existing port facility that serves both cruise and cargo operations this will be a phased construction.
The deadline for submitting proposals is June, 30. Further information is available here.
As we reported in November 2013, the government approved the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the project. The Government had set out eight options for consideration which varied from a 'do nothing' option through to a two pier solution (accommodating four ships) with a relocated cargo dock. After careful assessment of all the listed options, PwC - Government's financial consultants for the project - reduced the eight options to a 'preferred solution,' which comprised the construction of two piers, with consideration for relocating the cargo dock in the future but not as part of the current project.